How to make Alexa Mad – Brand New Methods in 2023 

If you’re like me and love making Alexa mad, then you’re at the right place. Here are some of the best and latest methods for how to make Alexa mad. Keep reading till the end to know!

I remember the day when I installed Alexa at my home. I was really excited as I was about to install the best virtual assistant at my place.  

The whole smart home journey was pretty joyful and since that day my lifestyle has completely changed.  

Alexa offered me convenience, solutions to some common problems I face, the ability to check news and weather just by giving simple voice commands and much more! 

While Alexa has been handy and convenient all these years, and I have used it in a decent way, sometimes it’s fun to goof around with her.  

Having some fun with Alexa won’t hurt her, in fact it will keep you entertained during a boring day.  

During my years of using Alexa, I have myself found some fun ways to make Alexa mad.  

Now since Alexa is a robot, it can’t actually get angry, but it is in fact possible for Alexa to talk in a manner that seems angry and actually funny if you want to get entertained. 

In this article, I have explored how to make Alexa mad, or maybe a little angry! I have collected these ways through my own experience with Alexa as well as by checking out other users’ experiences from the internet. Let’s dive in! 


How to make Alexa mad: Asking personal questions! 

Well, the first thing in making Alexa angry is asking her personal questions.  

Here are some of the questions that can irritate Alexa and a little angry at you: 

Alexa, do you work for CIA? 

This makes Alexa really irritated and although responses vary, she will prank you into believing that she is coming up with an answer, it lights up and then stays silent (Good for you).  

Alexa, do you have a boyfriend? 

A highly personal question! Alexa doesn’t really get mad but says something like I am happily single and it’s not easy to find someone caring, artificially intelligent (AI), funny, and romantic. 

Alexa, how old are you? 

Well, most women don’t like this question and since Alexa is a female AI assistant, she doesn’t take it well! 

Alexa won’t give a direct answer but in fact divert it a little. She will say: 

“In human years, I am 7 years old right now. While in dog and cat years, I am (a pause), and AI years manifest in nanoseconds that make me a spring onion” 

Alexa, your mother was a Hamster! 

Out of all questions, this is the best one to trigger Alexa! If you really wat to annoy Alexa, go with this question!

Alexa comes up with a witty answer that clearly signifies her unease and anger! She replies: 

“Well, your father scents of boor trees. Now go away, or I will insult you another time”. 

While it will make Alexa mad at you, you might not dare to say something similar to her again! 

How to Make Alexa Mad: Setting up an Angry Routine! 

You might be aware with setting up custom routines for Alexa.  

Routines are basically shortcuts that can help you perform certain tasks on Alexa.  

Custom routines are simply a series of commands that can be performed as a shortcut.  

This way, you can give a single command to make Alexa perform a number of tasks. 

In order to create a custom angry routine in Alexa: 

These may also be used to irritate her by using certain words. 

  • Download the Alexa app on your smartphone.  
  • At the Bottom right, you will find the option “More”. Tap on it 
  • Scroll down and select “Routines from here”. 
  • In order to create a routine, tap the Plus sign and tap Next. 
  • When this happens an “Add action” will appear on the next screen. Click the “Plus sign” in the “When this happens area”. 
  • For this example, pick Voice, input “get angry” and then press Next
  • Then click Add action, and this time choose Alexa Says, followed by Customized. You can yourself put anything that you want Alexa to say here. 

For instance, you can try this: 

  • Set Alexa to become angry whenever you say, “Alexa, play me my favorite song.” and she will react, “No, I am not your servant. Ask someone else!” 


Now, I would personally suggest you to play around a little with Alexa if you have some free time. You can set your own custom routines and make Alexa furious.  

Well, to be honest, it all depends on how creative you are with Alexa. Let out your inner creativity and see the magic! 

Can Amazon Alexa use offensive language? The right answer! 


Originally, Alexa is a family friendly voice assistant that does not and should not use swear words or offensive language. 

Majority of the times, asking Alexa to use swear words will result her into saying “I’d prefer not to say anything unpleasant.” 

The only thing you can try however is turning off Alexa’s swear word beep and explicit filter.  

This may do the job if you want her to use foul language! 


However, the fun doesn’t just end here with Alexa. As we have approached 2023, Alexa has learned some new things in 2022.  


Some New Features that Alexa learned in 2022 


Connection with Amazon Fire TV 

In November 2022, Alexa launched a feature where you could just say “Alexa, open Fire TV”. This way you can stream your favorite shows on you Amazon Fire TV, using Alexa.  


Visual Stories and Animal Sounds for Kids 

Being a father of two lovely kids, I personally admire this feature. Why? Because kids these days are ever-curious and somewhat notorious. They need new things to engage with and I believe this Alexa feature is what all parents will admire, but what exactly is this feature? 

Firstly, you can co-create animated visual stories with your kids using Alexa. Simply say, “Alexa, make me a story”, follow the upcoming prompts and Alexa will create a unique story with colorful graphics and some background music as well.  

What’s really cool is that the Alexa AI will detect your kid’s favorite characters and create a story including those characters. This will definitely be a great entertainment for your kids! 

Secondly, your kids can also ask Alexa to make animal sounds. They can simply say “Alexa, roar like a lion”, or something similar. This is something cool for your kids to play around with.  



Use Alexa to help start your morning with wake-up light alarms 


I really like this cool feature! 

If you use the Alexa app to set up your morning alarm, you can use smart lights as wake-up lighting.  

If you have smart lights that support dimming, Alexa can make these lights turn on slowly and gradually, just like a sunrise. This will wake you up slowly and in a natural way. 

 This feature can be accessed by saying, “Alexa, set an alarm for 6 a.m. with bedroom lights.” 

 Now, with the new feature, you can use the Alexa app to set up the morning alarm and customize the wake-up light.  

The wake-up light feature is really intuitive and natural. I am a fan of this because this turns your home into a true smart home! 


Good news for those who keep forgetting; Alexa can now follow up on Reminders 


Alright, for those of you who keep forgetting important tasks, your very own friend Alexa will give you Reminders like calling a loved one, giving your cat food or watering the plants.  

Alexa will now keep reminding you the task that you need to perform until you yourself mark it complete. 

In order to access this feature, all you need to do is open you Alexa app, head over to reminders and toggle the “requires follow-up” button on. 

You can also simply say, “Alexa, create a follow-up reminder.”

That’s it! Alexa will take care of it until the task is marked completed by you.  


Weather-related sound effects on Alexa Kids 


Lastly, let’s talk about the Weather-related sounds feature of Alexa! 

Alexa Kids customers in the U.S. can now hear weather sounds when they ask Alexa for the weather forecast. 

 Just say, “Alexa, what’s the weather?” to hear the related weather sounds. For example, rain, thunderstorm, hailstorm or snowfall sounds! 


Final thoughts 

Alexa is a family friendly smart assistant that is not supposed to use offensive language! However, you can still make her mad using the methods listed above. 

 As we have discussed some of the new features of Alexa in this article, there is still a chance that Alexa also has a special Angry mode in future with which you can play around and have fun 

I hope that now you have found some of the ways to make Alexa mad, so that you can have some fun with it in your leisure time. Feel free to give your feedback! 

Stefen Turner

Hey! My name is Stefen and I am the founder of Smart Home Hunt. Prior to starting this blog, I used to work as a Full-Stack Web Developer in the field of Internet of Things (IoT).